Letters to the editor

Newspapers and Talkback radio are a great way to spread the news about the Tarkines beautiful values and its plight. Writing a letter to the editor or calling talkback is a quick but very powerful way to help out. Please note that for letters to the editor, you will have to include your name, address, email address and a contact phone number. Here are some good places to start:

The Advocate

The Advocate is North-West Tasmania and the Tarkine’s local newspaper. To send a letter to the editor:
Email: [email protected]
Post: 56 Mount St, Burnie 7320, Fax: (03) 6498 7852

The Examiner

The Examiner is the newspaper which services northern Tasmania. To send a letter to the editor:
Email: [email protected]

Post: PO Box 99A, Launceston 7250, Fax: (03) 6334 7328

The Mercury

The Mercury is the most read newspaper in Tasmania. To send a letter to the editor:
Email: [email protected]
Post: Macquarie St, Hobart, 7000. Fax (03) 6230 0711

ABC Local Radio

ABC Local radio (936 AM in Hobart) has a popular talkback radio session beginning 8.30AM 11am weekdays. To have your say:
Phone: 1300 222 936
Email: [email protected]

The Australian

The Australian is one of Australia’s national newspapers. To send a letter to the editor,
Email: [email protected]
Post: GPO Box 4245, Sydney, NSW, 2001, Australia, Fax: (02) 9288 2250.

A refuge for the Devil

The Tarkine is the home to the last disease free population of the Tasmanian Devil. The Tasmanaian Devil is being pushed to extinction by the fatal Devil Facial Tumour Disease. This disease has been estimated to have killed 80% of the Tasmanian Devil population in the past decade. As such the habitat of the Tarkine is critical to survival of this iconic species in the wild. Threats such as mining, logging and roading place the future of the Devil at risk.

New mines for the Tarkine?

New mines are being proposed for the Tarkine, and the campaign to prevent this onslaught of destruction is heating up. Many of these mines are Pilbara style open cut mines. Early successes in this campaign have seen off mine proposals at Keith River, Riley Creek and Nelson Bay River, but Venture Minerals are intending to press ahead with their proposed tin mine at Mt Lindsay. We will continue the fight to prevent this tragedy.