Become a Tarkine Hero

Have you got a passion for the Tarkine?

Want to help see it saved?

Looking for a way to help?

If you answered yes to these three questions, then the next question is for you;

Could you raise $250 to help Save the Tarkine? Maybe raise $500? How about $1000?.

Save the Tarkine is currently engaged in a Federal Court appeal challenging to the Commonwealth approval of the destructive Riley Creek iron ore strip mine proposed for the Tarkine.

The Federal Court is expensive, but it has the power to overturn Ministerial decisions. The case is already underway and we urgently need to raise funds urgently to cover our legal costs.

We know we’ve already asked our supporters to donate many times in the past year, and so we are hoping that this new initiative will take the fundraising wider (and give your pocket a rest).

Tarkine Heroes are people just like you  who commit to raising funds for Save the Tarkine. You don’t need superpowers or a cape. And you won’t need to wear your underwear on the outside (although we won’t think less of you if you do).

And there are many ways that you could raise money, like:

  • A dinner party or bbq
  • A showing of Brent Melton’s film Tarkine, Saving the last of Gondwana
  • A stall in your local shopping centre
  • An appeal to your email or social media contacts.
  • Busking
  • Any other legal fundraising ideas

Save the Tarkine can supply:

  • Tarkine images and campaign materials,
  • fundraising support,
  • a paymate link to process payments from credit cards (directly to Save the Tarkine),
  • tax deductability for gifts over $2 in Australia,
  • public liability insurance coverage for events (where registered with Save the Tarkine),
  • secret access to our Tarkine Hero lair (or as we call it “the office”)

To get involved, simply choose what level of Tarkine Hero you could commit to:

  • $250 – Leatherwood – ‘Show me the honey’. At this level you commit to aim for a target of $250
  • $500 – Sassafras – Found only in the ‘cool’ forests. At this level you commit to aim for a target of $500
  • $1000 – Myrtle The giants of the Tarkine rainforests. At this level you commit to aim for a target of $1000

And then fill in the form below.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your phone number (required)

I want to be a Tarkine Hero

My Tarkine Hero fundraising target is
 $250 $500 $1000

Your Message
Please send me details on how to become a Tarkine Hero.

A refuge for the Devil

The Tarkine is the home to the last disease free population of the Tasmanian Devil. The Tasmanaian Devil is being pushed to extinction by the fatal Devil Facial Tumour Disease. This disease has been estimated to have killed 80% of the Tasmanian Devil population in the past decade. As such the habitat of the Tarkine is critical to survival of this iconic species in the wild. Threats such as mining, logging and roading place the future of the Devil at risk.

New mines for the Tarkine?

New mines are being proposed for the Tarkine, and the campaign to prevent this onslaught of destruction is heating up. Many of these mines are Pilbara style open cut mines. Early successes in this campaign have seen off mine proposals at Keith River, Riley Creek and Nelson Bay River, but Venture Minerals are intending to press ahead with their proposed tin mine at Mt Lindsay. We will continue the fight to prevent this tragedy.